New in FastCube 1.4
+ Added option mdsoSaveChartInSchema in TfcSlice (save Chart properties in Schema)
+ Added new aggregate function "List of Unique"
+ Added new event TfcSlice.OnInterpreterCreated to add users variables and functions to Script
+ Added Polish resources
+ Added new procedure TfrcCrossView.Update to use is report script after refresh dataset in cube.
+ added save X axis colums width in slice
+ You can use values of detail records in script for calculated measures.
Use Measures.PrepareDetailInfo to create array of detail records in script.
Record count in array - Measures.RecordCount
Detail value - Measures.DetailValue[ARecordIndex, AFieldName]
+ result of script can be String.
+ Measures[MeasureName] in script maked by measure name!!!
+ Added new property "Name" in TfcFieldOfRegion. Use property Name with measure.
+ Added new aggregate function "First value". It is possible to use with any type of the data!
+ Added cube option mdcoLoadWithDefaultFormat: use DefaultFormat on Load from cube.
+ Added split of Date - DayOfYear.
+ Added Dutch resources (thanks Jack Janssen)
+ Added new grid property PaintStyle. It changes style of grid and its parts
painting. We will increase differences between paint styles in next versions
+ Add export of cube/cube data to the following XML formats: XML for Analysis, xml-msdata (.Net DataSet), ms rowset (ADO), DataPacket (ClientDataset)
+ Added property UseFCChartEvents: boolean in TfrcChart
+ At a printing of the diagram through TfrcChart events from initial diagram TfcChart are used
+ Added opportunity of packages registration by Recompile Wizard
+ Added Turkish resources (thanks Burhan Cakmak)
+ Added split of Date - WeekNumber.
+ Added property TfcSlice.FieldsOrder - type of order in Field List (by Field Name, by Field Caption, by order in DataSet, by event OnFieldsListSortCompare).
+ Added Portuguese resources (thanks Fernando Dias)
+ Added Czech resources (thanks Karel JaneД_ek)
* Added new propertyes expamles in demo.
* Updated Brazil resource
- Fixed an error: value of calulated measure with agreagate function af_formula is 0 in chart
- Fixed an error of caption lost when field has been move between regions
- Fix error with fields in IBObjects
- Set caption of field "Measures" to value from language resources during Load From Stream
- Fix error with FastReport designer in FastCube
- Fix error with Measures.DetailValue[ARecordIndex, AFieldName] in script
- Fix error with Dimensions[AFieldName].CurrentValue in script
- Fix error with mdgoYAxisScroller
- Fix error: Names of measures and dimentions are CaseSensitive.
- Fix error: unnecessary invalidate in RowRegion of fcGrid.
- Published properties in DefaultFormat are made "write".
- Fix error of data gathering for TfcChart
- Fix error registration of TfrcChart
- Fix error with sort by total value
- Fix error: inherited abstract SetCubeFieldCaption in TfcAbstractSlice
- Fix error: Font not used in TfcGrid
- Fix error with Lookup fields
- Fix errors in Recompile Wizard