March 10, 2014

FastReport VCL 5 demo is available

You can download demo version of FastReport VCL 5 here

Whats new:


  • New fill types available in the Memo object: gradient and glass.
  • Memo object can have several highlight conditions. The highlight condition now includes the following style settings: frame, font, fill and an object visibility. You may turn on and off each setting.
  • Memo object can have several format settings. When a Memo object contains multiple expressions in a text, you may specify a format for each expression.
  • Added Filter property to data bands. You may filter out data rows without using a script.
  • Changes in the report file format: collections like datasets, variables, formats, highlights are written as nested properties for better readability. Old files (FR VCL 3 and 4) are fully supported.
  • Added MouseEnter, MouseLeave events to report objects.
  • Added Visibility property (set of flags - vsPreview, vsPrint, vsExport).


New objects

  • New 2D barcodes - PDF417, DataMatrix, QR Code.
  • New barcodes - Code128, EAN128 with auto encoding.


  • New interactive report types: detail report and detail page. When you click an interactive object, a new report is built and displayed in a separate tab in the preview window.
  • Added interactivity in the Chart object. Clicking on a chart element, you may build a detail report.


  • New exports: HTML5 (div), DOCX, XLSX, PPTX.
  • Improvements in RTF, XLS, XML, HTML, ODF exports: support of different frame lines in a single Memo object.
  • Improved font embedding in the PDF export: font subset is embedded instead of a whole font. This will significantly reduce a file size.


  • New icons in the designer and preview windows.
  • Improved appearance of the Data tree: new icons for different field types.
  • New/improved dialogs: highlight, frame, fill, hyperlink, databand editors.
Fast Reports
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  • +4930568373928 (German)
  • +55 19 98147-8148 (Portuguese)
  • 901 N Pitt Str #325 Alexandria VA 22314

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