FastReport .NET packages and .NET 5.0


UPD: Applies to the versions of FastReport .NET before 2022.2. License packages are now available on our NuGet server.

With the release of FastReport .NET 2021.1 we’re happy to announce two important things: addition of the FastReport.NET package and the support of .NET 5.0.

.NET5.0 support was added for FastReport.Core and FastReport.CoreWin (special version of FastReport .NET with UI for .NET Core3.1 and .NET 5.0 that’s built for OS Windows).

Package FastReport.NET works only on OS Windows and is available in several editions:

FastReport.NET.Demo - This package is available at and in our official Trial installer, and it allows you to evaluate the product capabilities for various target frameworks on OS Windows. It has restrictions that are present in our other Demo edition products (5 page limit for exports, watermarked export pages, etc.). It includes FastReport .NET for .NET Framework 4.0 and higher, FastReport.CoreWin for .NET Core 3.1 and for .NET 5.0 and higher.

FastReport.NET - This package is available in our official installer for licensed owners of the following editions: FastReport .NET WinForms and FastReport.Net Web. It includes FastReport .NET for .NET Framework 4.0 and higher.

FastReport.NET.Pro - This package is available in our official installer for licensed owners of the following editions: FastReport.NET Professional and Enterprise. It includes FastReport .NET for .NET Framework 4.0 or higher, FastReport.CoreWin for .NET Core 3.1 and for .NET 5.0 and higher.

We have listened to our clients’ feedback and decided not to add a -demo suffix for the Demo editions, because nuget treats packages with the suffix after a dash ‘-’ as prerelease packages, and a lot of people couldn’t find our product on because of this.

To have the Demo package displayed in the Visual Studio‘s search, you had to check the “Include prerelease” checkbox:


In the close future we will fix this situation for the FastReport.Core-demo package and it will be called FastReport.Core.Demo.

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