Embarcadero webinar questions and answers


At 7th of February I took a part in Embarcadero webinar RAD Studio Reporting with FastReport

Here you can see my presentation video 

Thanks to all attendees for participation and for questions! 

We got set of different interesting questions. I think answers will be useful for all. Here there are: 

Q: How can you do mail merges with FastReports? 
A: What do you mean? You can mail exported reports directly form fastreport. 

Q: well... it's pleasure for me to meet young brains here. interesting to hear your opinion about Fast Report vs Rave Report 
A: I am afraid my opinion about such comparison can not be absolutely correct. I am interest to show FastReport as the leadersip reporting tool.  

Q: If we have a report that requires input parameters how do we pass parametrs to the report? Eg I have to pass year 2012 and State = VA 
A: You can use Report variables for this(see the main demo for more information). 

Q: Could you show us how to do web reporting by using fast report? 
A: We have such demos in our demo-packages. You can download it from our web-sitehttp://www.fast-report.com/en/downloa...nload.html . Or live demo on web: server.fast-report.com 
In my presentation have show all on the clear RAD Studio "from the box" without web-functionality in this session. 

Q: Is Fast Reports limited to Ado Connections? We would like to use the reporting tool with Advantage Database Server who has their own connection component 
A: FastReport can use any Delphi DataSet and little bit more. UserDataSet can realise different schemas of connections. Also you can use several ADO connections inside report. 

Q: How can I make a report with the FireMonkey Platform? 
A: Now we are working on FastReport for FireMonkey. Wait it very soon. 

Q: How to support PostgreSQL in FastReport? ADO only? 
A: Not only. Native too. 

Q: Any updates on the FireMonkey version of Fast-Report ? 
A: We are working on it. Wait it very soon. 

Q: Fast-Report 5 was advertised to be launched for quite some time ... what's the status ? 
A: We plan open beta-testing this year. 

Q: Does Fast Report work with C++ Builder as well? 
A: Yes. It supports C++Builder fully. 

Q: Fast Report was developed by russian company? 
A: Fast Reports is an international company with multinational developers.

Q: Why should I use FR as opposed to ReportBuilder? 
A: You should not  It is one variant only. And RAD edition is free for you. 

Q: Can you rcreate different reports on different Reports Pages under one single Report Control? 
A: Yes, it is possible. See example 12.fr3 from our main demo. “This report contains two pages (title and list). You can have several pages in your report. Each page can contains one report and can have own paper settings (size, margins, orientation and etc).” 

Q: With Rave we have created a custom component that displays our own data, is it possible to create custom components in Fast-Reports? 
A: Yes, we have documentation for creating own components.

Q: How can I get updates for FastCube I received when adquiring Delphi XE2? 
A: By this link:http://cc.embarcadero.com/Item/28513 

Q: I wanted to know if FastCube could connect to an Analysis Services OLAP data source. Is FastCube an alternative to using the Office Web Component PivotTable control? 
A: No, FastCube can't use Analysis Services. But yes, it is an alternative but without an ability to connect to MS OLAP yet. 

Q: I would like to know when we can expect the pdf/a export? 
A: in version 5. We're planning PAD/A export in Fast Report 5 VCL. You can write to support@fast-report.com if you want to take part in a beta test. 

Q: we have Delphi Prism as part of our All-Access Silver, what's the upgrade path to Delphi XE2 
A: Contact sales regarding of Embarcadero Techlologies this 

Q: export to spreadsheets…. is that an option for FR? 
A: Yes, you can. For example FastReport has three different kinds of export filters to MS Excell. 

Q: How can you do mail merge (form letters with fields)? 
A:If you are about mails in database – as well as any database fields. 

Q: On the initial report you had a memo field which only printed the first few characters as the field was not wide (big) enough. How do you habdle that "correctly" 
A: You can see in our compiled demo example. It is necessary to use “StretchMode” property of Memo object for this. 

Q: How do get the free upgrades to the basic Fast Report products that ships with XE2? 
A: FastReport RAD come with RAD Studio XE2. 

Q: I really need the pdf/a export for archives. In Germany only pdf/a are accepted. So when can we expect it. 
A: It will available in the FastReport VCL 5. Mail us for connection to beta-testing. 

Q: Can you show me what web reporting looks like in the entrerprise version of fast reports? 
A: You can find live demo here: server.fast-report.com or you can download demo version here:http://www.fast-report.com/pbc_downlo...r_demo.exe 

Q: Is server.fast-report.com platform for linux? 
A: Windows only yet. 

Q: Can you drill down into the features of next version of Fast-Report (5) ? 
A: It is available in the current version. You can use it just now. So it will be in 5th version too. 

Q: When I use FR in xe2, script does not work for master or details, why? 
A: FastScript does not included in XE2. You can order it in addition. Or use FastReport Standard Edition and higher. 

Q: Do you have a timeline for firemonkey version? Update 4 claims to have printing ability. Is that FastReports? Update 4 is claiming it is just days away. 
A: it will soon but without designer yet 

Q: Can you create different reports under one report control for example under page 1, Sales reports, under Page 2 Customers reports and so on? 
A: Yes, you can create different templates on different pages of the same report object. We have such example in demo. 

Q: When I run a fast report that has script errors, I don't see the error, the report just stops painting. Is there an Error handler function that can be hooked to show these errors? 
A: You can read errors from Report.Errors/ Report.Script.Errors. Remember FastScript is available in FastReport Standard Edition and higher. 

Q: If we wanted to embed the fast report designer in an application, someone with advantage database server would have to setup the datasets at design time in order to manipulate the report? 
A: Yes, you need fr such reports some database connection. So you can set it at design time. 

Q: How can I convert from fastreport 2.5 to fastreport 4 
A: You need add convertor module to your project. It describes in FAQ on FastReport 3. Here: http://www.fast-report.com/en/faq/faq.php?ID=231#2770 

Q: If I use FastReport I get allways an error that it can't find some components/units. Is there a fix or update? Actually it is not useable.
A: Yes, you should download updated files from here : www.fast-report.com/pbc_download/LibD16.zip and extract them to fast report LibD16 folder(located in "Program Files\Fasty Report") with replace. Don't forget to close IDE before doing this. 

Q: Will 2D barcodes (ex: QR Code) be included into the next version of Fast-Report (5) ? 
A: Yes they will be included 

Q: In FR, is there any "awareness" of font metrics? eg If I want to output to a pre-printed form and need to position the top of the FONT at a given vertical point (as opposed to the top of the line) can I determine or calculate "font-top" to achieve this (or font-middle, font-bottom etc...) 
Q: If using multiple text boxes, how would you vertically line-space them with respect to the current font size? (Visually and in code) 
A:You can use script code for text calculation inside the memo. For example TextWidth := Memo1.CalcWidth(). For this procedure you need Fast Report Standard and hire. 

Q: Rave reports had a system called Rant for creating custom components for Rave. Does Fast Reports have a similar system? 
A: We have system for creating own components. 
I do not know about Rant system. You can write us preferences of this system... 

Q: Did FastReport RAD inclde FastScript? 
A: Not yet. FastReport RAD Edition only. 

Q: Do you have main demo for C++ Builder? 
A: We have set of demos for C++Builder also. See Demos folder 

Q: Can you access ("use") your own Delphi code units within the Pascal Scripting in a report? 
A: you can use RTTI and units, but it is not powerful Object Pascal. It is Pascal Script. 

Q: any thoughts/advice on converting Crystal Reports 
A: we plan such convertor in spring 2012 

If you have not see your question and our answer - please do not hesitate write us (support at fast-report.com). We will be glad to help you! 

We hope to see you next time and wait for your feedback!

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