How to watermark a DOCX or RTF document in a .NET application

Watermark exports to .DOCX and .RTF files have been added in FastReport .NET. limitation - the sign cannot be positioned above the text.

A watermark is a text or image (mostly semi-transparent) that is superimposed so that it does not interfere with viewing the document. It is used to protect the content of documents from commercial use by non-owners or fraud.

Example of a document with a watermark:

Sample document with a watermark

Add watermarking from a code:

//Create instance of class Report
Report report = new Report(); 
//Create report page
ReportPage pageBase = new ReportPage();
//Add text watermark
pageBase.Watermark.Enabled = true;
pageBase.Watermark.Text = "Watermark";
//Add created page to report page collection

The result of adding a watermark in the preview:

Watermark in a preview

Result of exporting a watermarked report to RTF:

Watermark in RTF

The result of exporting a watermarked report to Word 2007:

Watermark in DOCX

These improvements will help protect your reports from unwanted use.

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