Sending reports by E-mail via MAPI protocol

FastReport.VCL with the very first version uses the original realization of SMTP protocol, written for sending generated reports via email. Excellent implementation, which is used by many users. These days some providers of postal services have demanded secure authentication to send mail, therefore some users have difficulty in sending reports.

Customers of .NET version of the report generator does not run into this problem, because the implementation of sending reports in FastReport.NET based on MAPI protocol. In this case, the report generator uses an external mail program for sending the reports.

Due to numerous requests the support of MAPI protocol was included in VCL version. We apologize to all users who are prematurely get informed of readiness MAPI - our implementation had contained some errors that did not allow to send mail when using the report generator with modern versions Delphi with Unicode support.

We are pleased to report that MAPI error corrected now. All comments, bug reports and suggestions regarding sending reports via MAPI protocol in FastReport.VCL you can write into this blog.

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