How to use data in JSON format

There used to be a question “How to use JSON data to my web reports?” as it was not easy to implement it in FastReport.Net. Recently  a version 2016.2 has been released to answer it and help users.

It must be clarified that JSON (Java Script Object Notation) is a text data exchange format based on Java Script. It is actively used in web-programming in communication between the browser and the server or between servers. This format is laconic compared to CML. It is convenient to use it with Java Script.

So, in this article it will be introduced how to use the data in JSON format in FastReport.Net.

Necessary to remind, that this feature appeared in FastReport.Net 2016.2.

Firstly, you should gather the connection plugin to the JSON data. It is located here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FastReports \ FastReport.Net \ Extras \ Connections \ FastReport.Json.

Let us walk you through the steps:

  1. Open the solution FastReport.Json.sln. To build successfully it is needed to correct a reference to System.Data.Json.dll library, which is located here: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FastReports \ FastReport.Net \ Demo.
  2. Compile the project and get FastReport.Json.dll library.

There are three ways to register the plugin in a report designer:

1. Registration with report designer help:


2. Register manually in a FastReport configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




<Plugin Name="c:\.....\FastReport.Json.dll"/>



3. Register the library in an application code:

After the plug-in registration, it is possible to begin creating a data source in the report. Open the menu in the Report Designer: Data-> Add data source. Activate a data source wizard.

Click the button “New connection”.


Create a connection string. Select the connection type – JSONdatabase.


Next, select the data file with the extension JSON. It is important to say that the database can be located on another web resource. Therefore, to get to the database you need to specify the url. Click “OK”.


Click the button “Next” in the Data Wizard.


Choose the desired tables. For example, “Products” and click the button“ Finish”.

As table "Products" appeared in the data window,  drop the fields to the Data band: ProductName, UnitsInStock, UnitPrice and start the report.


As you can see, working with data from the json database is also convenient, as with any other source. Now FastReport.Net has become useful for the followers of this storage technology.

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