November 25, 2015

New version of FastReport 5 VCL - 5.4

We are glad to introduce the new version of Fast Report 5 VCL!

This release has a lot of bug fixes and improvements.
Recently we have added an export filter package for Lazarus IDE. Now all customers of Fast Report 5 VCL Professional can use these export filters under Lazarus:
- Image export filters (BMP, JPEG, PNG)
- HTML export filters (HTML 4 and HTML 5)
- Open office export filters ODT and ODS formats.
There are also a lot of compatibility changes made for Lazarus such as better support of UTF 8 codepage.

And of course we have many improvements for VCL framework!
- New ability to cache images to file when using matrix export filters (like HTML). Now you can use a file cache for export filters if your images consume more than 2 GB of memory in total.
- New event which fires before export starts. Can be used when you need to make some changes in the result report for exact export filter.
- 2D barcodes like QR support different codepages include UTF 8.

Many more improvements and bug fixes are listed below: 

+ Moved to new installation engine - should improve installation of components and resolve some installation errors
+ Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10 Seattle support for x32 and x64 windows platforms
+ [Lazarus] Added export filters package with basic export filters BMP, JPEG, PNG, HTML and HTML5 (Layered)
+ [Lazarus] Added IBX internal datasets support
+ Added support of user function's for parent reports in report inheritance
+ Added caching of images for matrix export (cache to file and memory)
+ Added TfrxReportPage.ShowTitleOnPreviousPage property
+ [FQB] Added new field types
+ Added CodePage property for QR barcode. If CodePage <> 0 - ECI mode used
+ Added TfrxPreview.LoadFromStream method
+ Increased cross-tab's max rows/columns/cells levels from 32 to 64
+ Added TfrxVisibilityTypes support in the report's script
+ Added Tag property for report's objcts for 64 bit
+ Added TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeforeExport event
+ Added FetchAll property for TfrxFIBQuery
+ Added TfrxMailExport.SMTPStartCommand (HELO, EHLO) property
+ Added numeric formats support in the TfrxXLSXExport
+ Added TfrxPreview class in the frxClassRTTI. Now you can use TfrxPreview(Report.Preview).OutlineVisible := True; in the report's script
+ Added frame with different lines support for TfrxCheckView for TfrxPDFExport
+ Report's script lines saving without right spaces
- Optimized 2D barcodes printing
- Fixed bug with preview with drill-down detail report
- Fixed param's updating for TfrxBDEQuery.ExecSQL
- Fixed TfrxHeader's ReprintOnNew page behaviour
- Fixed splitting of the TfrxRichView
- Fixed TfrxRichView for Windows 8
- Changed object bounds calculation in the TfrxCustomMemoView.BeginDraw
- Fixed KeepHeader and KeepFooter behavior for databand with one record
- [Lazarus] Fixed picture/dataset streaming
- Report shows errors in parent script when use report inheritance
- Fixed start column position for drill-down groups
- Fixed CurY position for groups on TfrxReportPage with several columns and PrintOnPreviousPage = True
- [enterprise] fixed server component utf8 problems
- Fixed FR for FireDAC components
- Fixed export of paragraph's attributes in the RTF export
- [enterprise] Fixed server log config.xml error message
- Fixed TfrxPictureView scaling in the PDF export
- Fixed bug with preview init when ZoomMode <> zmDefault
- Fixed AV in the PDF export with embedded fonts
- Fixed PDF export of object with double and single line in the frame
- Fixed preview's page number after zoom
- Fixed system color's exportong in the DOCX and XLSX exports
- Fixed TfrxReportPage.PrintIfEmpty behavior
- [Lazarus] Fixed TFontStyle declaration
- Fixed code pages support for Datamatrix and PDF417 barcodes
- Fixed Interactive Chart report for FRDemo
- Fixed text position for Rotation = 90, 180, 270 in the PDF export
- Fixed object's moving for bands on the multi-column page
- Fixed text position for text with one line and big LineSpaсing value in the PDF export
- Fixed hint position for TfrxPreview
- Fixed GetDefaultPrinter method
- Fixed width of text in the PDF export
- Fixed Outline checkbox behavior in the PDF export dialog
- Increased LargeDesignHeight multiplier from 5 to 8
- Fixed INDY for HTML export
- Fixed BIFF export for Excel 2013 for reports with images
- Fixed PDF's structure for encrypted files
- Fixed object's exporting with Visibility = vsExport for PDF export
- Fixed band's Fill editing when fill type changed
- Fixed Rave->FR converter
- Fixed FRF->FR3 converter
- Fixed restoring of preview position for last preview tab
- Fixed bug with thousand separator in the TfrxXLSXExport
- Fixed TfrxCheckBoxView scaling in the TfrxPDFExport filter
- Fixed filter's filename during slave export
- Fixed problem with TfrxDBXQuery parameters
- Fixed exporting of page headers and page footers in the TfrxRTFExport
- Fixed AV with TfrxReport.EngineOptions.DoublePass=True
- Fixed vertical text alignment in the TfrxPDFExport filter
- Updated Farsi language files
- Updated Danish language files
- Fixed TfrxReportPage.Frame size in the TfrxPDFExport
- Fixed haBlock aligment in the TfrxPDFExport for some cases
- Fixed export of text with start/end spaces in the TfrxHTMLExport
- Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer when column headers are disabled and AutoSize = False
- Fixed HTML header in the TfrxHTMLExport when export called several times
- Fixed bug with XLSX content if more than 1025 pages were exported as single worksheet
- Fixed landscape orientation in the TfrxDOCXExport
- Fixed width of font if it embedded into PDF document
- Fixed problem with content in the TfrxDOCXExport. Now first 63 columns will be exported only
- Fixed thick frames for PDF export
- Fixed empty objects with numeric formatting to ODS and ODT formats
- Fixed multiline text export to ODS and ODT formats
- Fixed filling of TfrxPageFooter band and TfrxOverlay band with PrintOnTop = True
- Fixed external hyperlinks in the PDF
- [FS] Fixed FOR statement debugging
- Fixed empty TfrxPictureView's exporting to PDF
- Fixed style simulation for Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS and Tahoma fonts in the TfrxPDFExport
- Fixed error in the TfrxXSLXExport with 'Use report pages' option
- Fixed bug with TfrxVarEditorForm and TfrxExprEditorForm for configuration with several monitors
- Fixed C++ compilation errors for HTML export filters
- Fixed width of monospace font if it embedded into PDF document
- Fixed exporting of 2D barcodes to ODS and ODT formats
- Fixed printing with custom paper size
- Fixed HAlign and VAlign for Rotation = 90, 270 in the TfrxODSExport, TfrxODTExport
- Fixed export numbers with leading spaces in ODS export
- Fixed export text and number as number in BIFF8 export
- Fixed Italic, Underline font style support in the DOCX export
- Fixed StrikeOut font style support in the XLS(OLE), RTF, DOCX and XLSX export
- Fixed bug with preview with endless page and Collapse All
- Fixed "Variant or safe array is locked" error in the XLS(OLE) export
- Fixed problem with crosstab rendering in designer in some cases
- Fixed CharSpacing > 0 error for haRight alignment in the PDF export
- Fixed TfrxFillEditorForm charset
- Fixed Out of memory error in BIFF8 export filter
- Fixed Unicode support for variables in the TfrxRichView
- Fixed memory leaks in the PDF export