Link to a bookmark

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By using this type of link, you can navigate to a bookmark, defined in another report object.


For those who know the HTML language, it is enough to say that a bookmark acts like an anchor. A bookmark has got a name and a definite position in a prepared report (page number and position on the page). When moving to a bookmark by its name, you navigate onto the indicated position.


In order to use this link type, you first need to define the bookmark. In order to do this, select the object, where you want to move when you click on the link. Almost all report objects have the "Bookmark" property. Changing this property can be done with the help of the "Properties" window.


The "Bookmark" contains an expression, which you can use in the following way:


indicate the bookmark name as a string:




indicate an expression, which returns the name of the bookmark. For example, you can use a data column as an expression. The value of the expression will be calculated when the report is run.


After the bookmark has been defined, you can indicate its name in the hyperlink configurations window. This can be done by using two methods:


indicate the name of the bookmark directly;
indicate an expression which returns the name of the bookmark. For example, this can be a data column. This expression will be calculated when the report is run.