8. Oktober 2010

FastReport .NET 1.5 veröffentlicht

Was ist neu?

Version 1.5
+ added import from RDL format (Report Definition Language)
+ added XPS export
+ added Word 2007 (docx) export
+ added DataBand.ResetPageNumber property
+ added properties PDFExport.JpegQuality and PDFExport.RichTextQuality (default value is 90 in both)
+ added Slovak localization
+ added support for custom functions in the matrix totals
+ added calculation of percents in the Matrix object
+ added TotalsFirst option for the matrix totals
+ added property HTMLExport.Layers and a checkbox in the dialog of the HTML export (enable layers in HTML file)
+ added Config.ReportSettings.ReportPrinted event
+ added DataLoaded event to all dialog controls that support data filtering
+ added inline printing from browser in WebReport
+ added property WebReport.PrintInPdf (enable for PDF printing or disable for browser printing)
+ added properties WebReport.PrintWindowWidth, WebReport.PrintWindowHeight
+ added properties WebReport.ShowWord2007Export, WebReport.DocxMatrixBased
* DbfExport properties FieldNamesFileName, LoadFieldNamesFromFile replaced with FieldNames property
* improved TextObject.Duplicates
- fixed text object's html tags + "underline" font style
- fixed "keep with data" + multicolumn databand
- fixed bug with paper size
- fixed bug when rendering several side-by-side Table objects
- fixed bug with report outline
- fixed bug in RTF export with similar pictures
- fixed bug with CheckedListBoxControl + cascaded filter
- fixed bug with subreport and multi-column band
- fixed bug with FirstTabOffset
- fixed bug with static query parameters and master-detail report
- fixed bug in the PowerPoint export
- fixed bug with Matrix and EvenStyle