Installation of FastQueryBuilder Trial

FastQueryBuilder tool is designed to assist the creation of SQL-queries. Graphical Editor allows you to construct queries without knowledge of SQL.
Let's look at the step by step installation of this product:
1) Run the setup file. In the first step we need to choose a product localization language. It's the language of all labels and notations in the program. Choose the desired one and click the "Next" button.


2) The second step is warning about the copyright. After reading press the "Next" button.


 3) The third step displays information about the product. Click "Next" button.


4) The fourth step is to select the installation Type: Full or Custom. By default, the first type is selected. This will install all the components of this product. You can set up only the necessary components using the Custom type.
To demonstrate choose type Custom. Click "Next" button.


5) The fifth step is to choose the program components to be installed. By default, all components are selected. If you want to exclude from the installation of some of them, clear the boxes next to them. Click "Next" button.


6) The sixth step is to select a directory for program installation. Default FastQueryBuilder installed in the Program Files folder (in Windows x86) or Program Files (x86) (in Windows x64). Specify the directory and click "Next" button.


7) In the seventh step you can select a group to place shortcuts in the menu "Programs". This step can be skipped. Click "Next" button.


8) The eighth step is to run the installation program. Click "Next" button.


Next you will see the installation progress.


 9) The ninth step is to complete the installation. Click "Finish" button.