FastReport .NET Core

FastReport .NET 2017.4 now supports .NET Core, so users can utilize FastReport .NET in Windows, Linux and Docker containers. For using it under Linux one needs XServer, the "libgdiplus" and the "libx11-dev" libraries. The package includes a demo version, which allows to check whether FR.Net is working on your device. It can be found in the "\Demos\Core\FastReportCore.MVC" folder.
FastReport .NET Core corresponds with .NET Standard 2.0.

Now you can connect FastReport .NET Core using the NuGet package manager.
To connect FastReport .NET via NuGet you need to:
- Open the VisualStudio settings and go to the "NuGet Package Manager" -> "Package Sources";
- Add a new package, using the green plus button;
- Enter the desired package name in the "Name" field;
- In the "Source" field, select path to the FastReport repository (by default in C:\Program Files\FastReports\FastReport.Net\Nugets);
- Click "Update", and then click "OK".
 Now you can find and download FastReport .NET Core in NuGet.

At the moment, there is no WebReport. Dialogs, charts (MsChart) and RTF (RichObject) are not supported, but all these things are planned to be established within a short time.
There are no SQL connections, but the CSV and the XML connections are built in. If you want to use the SQL connection, you need to use the additional library and register the data from the application. There is also no visual designer, but a support to work with the online designer is planned to be provided. You can get a prepared report (*.fpx) from the report template (*.frx) or get documents (pdf, html, etc.).

To start working you need 3 additional libraries from NuGet:
a) System.Drawing.Common;
b) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
c) Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.