Configuring the API for building FastReport Online Designer

Configuring the API for building FastReport Online Designer

FastReport Online Designer Builder now can build the designer using the API. Previously, users had to manually build in FastReport Online Designer Builder. You could download the result or receive it by mail. Now you can automate this process to update FastReport Online Designer if the product version changes. To do this, you need to create features that work with the API and deploy the designer build on your servers. As an example of using the API, you can request a product version once a day, and if it has changed, automatically request a build. And after that, host the updated designer.


A user is authenticated using an API key, which you can create in FastReport Online Designer Builder. To create a key, you need to:

1) Log in to the build service under your account.
2) Go to the "API Keys" section (located when clicking on three dots).

Generating an API Key

3) Click the ”+ Create" button

Generating an API Key


After that, you will have a new API key generated. You can click on the key to copy it and use it for authentication in API.


Build request

To request a build, make a POST request at:

The request body must contain at least your API key. If you don’t specify the parameter, its default Value will be used!

Minimum request example:

"APIkey": "Your API key"

The parameters that the API accepts for build are described below.





 The build theme.

 Data type: string

 See the values in the themes table.


 Components to be included in the build.

 Data type: array

 See the values in the components table.


 Bands to be included in the build.

 Data type: array

 See the values in the bands table.


 The dialog box controls to be included in the build.

 Data type: array

 See the values in the controls table.


 Plugins to be included in the build.

 Data type: array

 See the values in the plugins table.


 The control panels to be included in the build.

 Data type: array

 See the values in the panels table.


 Build configuration.

 Data type: object

 See the object structure in the settings table.






 No theme


 Use classic theme


 Use minimal theme






 Text Component


 Picture Component


 Shape Component


 Polygon Component


 Polyline Component


 Line Component


 Subreport Component


 Table Component


 Matrix Component


 Advanced Matrix Component


 Barcode Component


 Rich Text Component


 Checkbox Component


 Cellular Text Component


 Linear Gauge Component


 Simple Gauge Component


 Radial Gauge Component


 Simple Progress Gauge Component


 HTML Component


 SVG Component


 Container Component


 Digital Signature Component


 Map Component






 Report Title


 Report Summary


 Page Header


 Page Footer


 Column Header


 Column Footer


 Data Header




 Data Footer


 Group Header


 Group Footer


 Child Band


 Overlay Band










 Checked List


 Text with Combobox


 Date Time Picker








 Radio Button


 Text Box






 Page with Code


 Guidance Lines


 Position of the component when moving




 Band Horizontal Resizing


 Hot Keys


 Context Menu


 Double Click






 Properties Panel


 Events Panel


 Repot Tree Panel


 Data Panel


 Page Preview Panel






 Data type: array

 See the list of values in the features table.


 Data type: object


    "name": "index",

    "ext": "html"



 Data type: string.

 Public path to the application on the server.


 Data type: object.


      "url": null,

      "blank": false,

      "useParent": false,

      "removeConfirmation": true



 Link to fonts


 Data type: array

 See the list of values in the API table.




    "name": "SHOW_BAND_TITLE",

    "enabled": true


Object contains feature key and checkbox




 Band Title


 Adding bands


 Sorting bands


 Resizing bands


 Confirm Before Exit


 Movable Popups


 Hash In File Names


 Code Minification


 Preview Button


 Disable Editing






    "name": "API_SAVE_REPORT",

    "value": "../FastReport.Export.axd?putReport=#{id}"


The object contains an API key and a link




 Report saving


 Report Preview


 Getting report


 Getting functions


 Application Config


 Connection Types


 Connection Tables


 Connection String Properties


 Creating the Connection String


 MSChart Template

After requesting a build, you will get a UUID to check its status. Example of the response:

 "message": "Successfully queued",
 "code": 0,
 "payload": {
 "UUID": "25d36576-c5e2-49f4-8ab0-73838c457336"


Checking the build status

To check the build status, make a GET request to:{apiKey}/{buildUUID}

The link should contain your API key used for the build and the UUID you got when you requested it.

You can see several statuses in the response depending on the build stage.

1 (QUEUED) –The build is scheduled and is now queued.
2 (PROCESSING) –Build started but still processing.
3 (BUILT) – The completed, you can download it.

Example of the response:

 "code": 0,
 "payload": {
 "statusCode": 2,
 "statusText": "PROCESSING"

If the build is completed, you will receive a download link in the response.


Downloading the latest build

To download the built application, make a GET request to:{apiKey} 

Specify your API key in the link. In response to the request, you will receive an archive file with the built application.


Getting the current version of FastReport Online Designer

Make a GET request to get the current version of the application:{apiKey}

Specify your API key in the link. In response, you will receive the current version of FastReport Online Designer. Example of the response:

 "payload": {
 "version": "2023.1.3"
 "code": 0

Our team will continue to improve the client experience when working with FastReport products. For any questions, contatc our support at