Report generators family FastReport brief review

Without reporting it is impossible to carry on business in any sphere of life. Bureaucracy is an irresistible part of human society. Whether it's steel plant or a school facultative - reports are needed everywhere: accounting, statistical, operational. Since the modern world strongly computerized - reports are also conducted electronically. Create reports in large quantities would be very difficult without special programs - report generator.

FastReport report generator appeared in the early days of this kind of software, and became a real hit among Delphi programmers. And with the advent of version .NET Framework - it also became widespread among the adherents of the Microsoft platform.

The name FastReport was created for a reason. This report generator is indeed one of the fastest in compiling complex reports. This can be said to be its main advantage over other competitors.

As noted above, the FastReport report generator is designed for different platforms. In fact, these are different products with the same ideology and similar implementation. There are products to work with such frameworks as VCL, FMX, Lazarus, .NET , .Mono.

FastReport features can be described for a long time, so we will consider the most important ones:

The core is the engine of the report generator that allows you to create:

Report designer


In conclusion, we can say that due to the wide toolkit, multi-platform and the presence of a script built into the report, FastReport report generator can satisfy almost all user requests and are a universal solution for a wide range of tasks in the field of electronic document management.