Printing modes

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Subreport can be printed in two modes.


In the first printing mode, bands and objects of the subreport are printed on the page of the main report. Objects which can be placed on the on the bands and have limits:


"Subreport" object must be located in lower border of the band;
Never place other objects under the "Subreport" object. When the report will be working, such objects will be overlapping with the objects of the subreport:




To place other objects under the subreport, use the "Child" band. Place the objects in the following way:




The second printing mode differs in that subreport's objects are printed on the band, which contains the "Subreport" object. You can enable this mode from the context menu of the "Subreport" object. To do this, select the "Print on Parent" item. This mode does not put a limit on placing of the objects. Apart from that, in this mode, a parent band can either grow or shrink depending on how much data has been printed in the subreport.


The only problem with the second mode is that there may be a lot of data in the subreport. When printing it, the parent band will have a big height. In order to print such a band correctly, it is required to break its contents ("CanBreak" property). The break algorithm does not provide 100% quality and in some cases it can lead to the displacement of objects.