Report inheritance

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Often we have many reports with the same data in it - for example, same header/footer with company logo and some data - email, address etc. Now imagine the situation, that you need to change some company data - for example, email. You have to do this in each report! To avoid this, you can use report inheritance. What is it?


For example, you have some common elements in each report (logo, company name, email etc). These elements are typically placed on the report title and/or page header. You can create a base report that contains only common elements. All other reports will use base report and thus will contain such common elements plus own elements defined in a report.


In case you need to change something (logo, email) you just open the base report and make necessary changes. All other reports that inherit from a base, will be changed automatically. In fact, when you open a report that is inherited one, the base report is opened first, then the inherited one.