The "Matrix" object

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The "Matrix" object is, like the "Table" object, made up of rows, columns and cells. At the same time, it is not known beforehand how many rows and columns will be in the matrix - this depends on the data to which it is connected.


The object looks like this:




You can learn more about this object in the "Creating reports" chapter.


The "Matrix" object has the following properties:





If matrix is divided on several pages, this property allows printing matrix header on each new page.


This property determines how matrix cells will be located if the matrix has several data cell levels. Possible variants:


the cells are displayed side by side;
the cells are displayed under each other.


Using this property you can set a style for the whole matrix. You can choose one from predefined styles.


This property allows to calculate the matrix size automatically. Disable it if you want to control the object size manually.


The property allows connecting the matrix to the data source. This property is set up automatically when you drag data column to the matrix. However, if you use expressions in cells,check that this property was set up correctly.


This property contains expression for data filtering which will be applicable to data source of the matrix (see "DataSource" property).